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Welcome, student of Arabic, to my flashcard tool. There are others like it, but this one is mine.
I built it with features specific to learning Arabic, and I plan to add many more. In some ways it still has some catching up to do compared to other, non-specialized flashcard tools, but I’ve already found it more helpful for learning Arabic, and I hope you do too.
Keep in mind that both the interface and the data are probably buggy, and please keep me informed of anything you notice that could be better; chances are I won’t notice something that you will.
Among the features I plan to add, fix, or improve in a later release:
Again, please don’t hesitate to email me with bugs, ideas, and other feedback. Good luck studying!
شُكراً !
Morgan Doocy
Normally I would be diligent about browser testing, but I’ve built this tool primarily for myself, and I don’t have all the time in the world.
Therefore I’m only going to maintain the following browser support:
In case you’re curious: At their core (i.e., ignoring the user interface), Safari and Chrome are currently the best web browsers available (for reasons that have nothing to do with the visual effects). Much love and respect to Opera and Firefox, but they’re currently in second place. IE has been, for the better part of a decade, definitively the worst major browser available, and I refuse to spend my study time enabling Microsoft’s neglect of its browser. So there.
If you have a supported browser… يَلّا !