<?= t_head('AJAX Request to XML File', "15–20") ?>
<p>First you will write the necessary JavaScript code to make an AJAX request to an XML file.</p>
<p>Download the following skeleton and XML snippet files:</p>
<p class="resource"><a href="minilab12.html">minilab12.html</a></p>
<p class="resource"><a href="minilab12.js">minilab12.js</a></p>
<p class="resource"><a href="snippet.xml">snippet.xml</a></p>
<p>Add the necessary JavaScript code to initiate an AJAX request for the <samp>snippet.xml</samp> file.</p>
<p>The XML contains several <code>bar</code> elements inside a root <code>foo</code> element. Get all the <code>bar</code> elements, and for each of them, create a new <code>li</code> tag containing the content from the <code>bar</code> element, and inject the new <code>li</code> into the page.</p>
<p>If you’ve finished everything, good job!</p>