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      <title>Lecture 21: What’s Next — INFO 343 Autumn 2012</title>

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            <h1>INFO 343 Lecture 21</h1>
            <h2>What’s Next</h2>

      <div class="presentation">
         <div class="slide">
            <h1>What’s Next: Going Live, the Server Side</h1>
            <h3>Lecture 21</h3>
            <!-- <h4>
               Reading: 12.1–12.2;<br/>
               <a href=""><cite>Using CSS3 Transitions, Transforms, and Animation</cite></a> by Rich Bradshaw
            </h4> -->

            <p class="license">
               Except where otherwise noted, the contents of this presentation are Copyright 2010–11 Marty Stepp, Jessica Miller, Alex Loddengaard, Morgan Doocy.

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               <a href=""><img src="../s5/images/w3c-xhtml11.png" alt="Valid XHTML 1.1" /></a>
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         <!-- <div class="slide titleslide">
               <li>Next Steps: Going Live, INFO 344</li>
         </div> -->
         <div class="slide">
            <h1>Advanced JavaScript Syntax: <a href="">IIFEs</a></h1>
<div class="example">
<pre class="examplecode js">
var foo = 42; <span class="comment">// available globally - i.e., in other JS files too</span>
<em>(</em>function(bar, baz) {
   var qux = bar + " " + baz; <span class="comment">// available locally, within this function</span>
   alert(qux); <span class="comment">// alerts "Hello World" immediately</span>
}<em>)("Hello", "World")</em>;
               <li><strong>IIFE</strong> (“iffy”) stands for <em>Immediately-Invoked Function Expression</em>
                     <li>Frequently (<a href="">but erroneously</a>) called “self-executing anonymous functions”
                           <li>Doesn’t execute itself! (i.e., not recursive)</li>
               <li>Creates a one-off, throwaway, anonymous function, and executes it immediately</li>
               <li>Used for creating a local scope for variables and functions, so they don’t collide with other JS code</li>
               <li>Commonly used for <a href="">plugins</a>, <a href="">libraries</a>, etc.
                     <li>Also a good idea to use in your own code, but usually not essential.</li>
         <div class="slide">
            <h1>Advanced JavaScript Syntax: Classes &amp; Prototypes</h1>
<div class="example">
<pre class="examplecode js">
function Dog(name, breed) { <span class="comment">// "constructor"</span>
   <em></em> = name; <span class="comment">// "public" fields</span>
   <em>this.breed</em> = breed;
   <em>var barkCount = 0;</em> <span class="comment">// "private" field</span>
   this.bark = function() { <span class="comment">// instance method - each Dog has own copy of this method</span>
      <em>barkCount++;</em> <span class="comment"> // "closure" - can access variables from parent function's scope</span>
   this.getBarkCount = function() {
      alert( + " has barked " + <em>barkCount</em> + " time(s).");
<em></em> = function() { <span class="comment">// class method - all Dogs use this single method</span>
   alert("Here, " + + "! Good dog.");

var maisie = <em>new Dog("Maisie", "German Shorthaired Pointer")</em>;; <span class="comment">// "Here, Maisie! Good dog."</span>
maisie.bark(); <span class="comment">// "Woof!"</span>
maisie.bark(); <span class="comment">// "Woof!"</span>
maisie.getBarkCount(); <span class="comment">// "Maisie has barked 2 time(s)."</span>
         <div class="slide">
            <h1>Your own (free) web hosting</h1>
               <li>At some point your account on <code></code> will go away</li>
               <li>Migrate now to host your assignments for resumes, portfolios, etc.</li>
               <li>iSchool students: <a href="">free professional web hosting</a>!
                     <li>Can host own domain, e.g. <samp></samp></li>
                     <li>“One-click” install of tools like Drupal, WordPress</li>
                     <li>Easy cPanel interface</li>
                     <li>Lots of software options: PHP, Python, Ruby/Rails, Perl, MySQL, PostgreSQL, git, Mercurial, etc.</li>
               <li>Everyone else: <a href="">set up Dante web space</a>
                     <li>Cannot host own domain – located at <samp><var>your_uwnetid</var>/</samp></li>
                     <li>Less easy to use</li>
                     <li>Limited existing software installed</li>
                     <li>Difficult to install other software like MySQL</li>
         <div class="slide">
            <h1>Your own (paid) web hosting</h1>
               <li>Hosting is a cheap commodity!</li>
               <li>Look for reputable, reliable providers with good customer service, uptime, and data security</li>
                  <p>Major types of hosting:</p>
                     <li>Shared: you share a server machine with other websites.</li>
                     <li>Dedicated: you have your own server machine(s).</li>
                     <li>Colocated: you rent or buy server space and/or maintenance, with physical access.</li>
                     <li>Virtual Private Server (VPS): Your own virtual “sandbox” on a larger shared machine/cloud service.</li>
               <li>Often offer tiered pricing based on bandwidth</li>
               <li>Start small, upgrade as needed</li>
         <div class="slide">
            <h1>Protecting Your Assignments</h1>
               <li><strong>ALWAYS password-protect your solutions to homework assignments!</strong>
                     <li>Labs, Mini-Labs, and Projects can be freely posted unprotected.</li>
               <li>To protect a directory:
                     <li>Add a file called <samp>.htaccess</samp> containing the following:
<pre class="boxed">AuthUserFile .htpasswd
AuthGroupFile /dev/null
AuthName EnterPassword
AuthType Basic
require user <var>USERNAME</var>
                     <li>Then use a <a href=""><samp>.htpasswd</samp> generation tool</a> to generate a password digest, and put it in a file called <samp>.htpasswd</samp> in the same directory:
<pre class="boxed"><var>USERNAME</var>:<var>ENCRYPTEDPASSWORD</var></pre>
                     <li>Give the username/password to friends (who won’t take this class), family, employers.</li>

         <!-- <div class="slide">
            <h1>Getting Ajax to work</h1>
               <li>Ajax requests can only be made to the same domain as the JS code.</li>
               <li>When you move your code, you may have Ajax requet</li>
               <li>If you put your work up on Dante, your Ajax code will be unable to reach Webster!</li>
               <li>Solution: Put <a href="../proxy.php">proxy.php</a> in the same folder as your Dante code, and change any Ajax URLs
                     <li>from: <code><var>dir</var>/<var>file.ext</var></code></li>
                     <li>to: <code><strong>proxy.php?url=</strong><var>dir</var>/<var>file.ext</var></code></li>
                     <li>if URL has parameters, encode the query string with JS <a href=""><code>escape</code></a> function</li>
         </div> -->
         <!-- <div class="slide">
            <h1>MySQL on dante</h1>
                  <a href="">How to use MySQL on Dante</a>

                        or, if that doesn't work, <a href="">install it yourself</a>
                  download our databases:
                  <a href="">simpsons.sql</a>,
                  <a href="">world.sql</a>,
                  <a href="">imdb_small.sql</a>,
                  <a href="">imdb.sql</a>
               <li>importing a database into MySQL from a file:
                        upload one of the above <code>.sql</code> files to your Dante space
                        open an SSH terminal window on Dante and type:

mysql -u <var>username</var> -p <var>databaseName</var> &lt; <var>filename</var>.sql

               <li>exporting a database from MySQL to a <code>.sql</code> file:

mysqldump -u <var>username</var> -p <var>databaseName</var> &gt; <var>filename</var>.sql

         </div> -->

         <div class="slide">
            <h1>Setting up your own web server</h1>

               <li>Install web/database servers on your laptop or desktop for development (“localhosting”)
                     <li>Most operating systems come with software built-in (IIS on Windows, Apache on Mac/Linux)</li>
                     <li>Or you can install a <a href="">LAMP</a>–style bundle: <a href="">MAMP</a>, <a href="">XAMPP</a>, <a href="">WAMP</a>, …
                           <li><u>L</u>inux/<u>M</u>ac/<u>W</u>indows · <u>A</u>pache · <u>M</u>ySQL · <u>P</u>HP/<u>P</u>erl/<u>P</u>ython</li>
               <li>With <a href="">Dynamic DNS</a>, you can even host (unreliably) from home
                     <li>(If your ISP doesn’t block incoming web traffic)</li>
                     <li>Test your web apps locally without needing to upload them to a server</li>
                     <li>Host your own projects from your house and connect to them</li>
                     <li>Other useful services: SSH, VNC, SMB (Samba), git/svn repos, ...</li>

                     <li>Linux: <a href="">Ubuntu (LAMP) server tutorial</a></li>
                     <li>Windows: <a href="">Apache (WAMP) tutorial</a>; <a href="">IIS tutorial</a></li>
         <div class="slide">
            <h1>Revisiting homework assignments &amp; labs</h1>

               <li>Extensions to the assignments from this course:
                     <li>HW1,2: Pick other web sites and try to mimic them</li>
                     <li>HW3 (Fontr): Add other features to this tool; work on your interaction design skills</li>
                     <li>HW4 (Memory): Implement some of the extra features to make it a more realistic-looking experience</li>
                     <li>Lab 5 (Lightbox): Incorporate this into your next project! Add features like transitions, captions, comments…</li>
                     <li>Lab 10 (Mobile Twitter): Extend functionality to implement a full mobile twitter site based on jQuery Mobile</li>
                     <li>Mini-Lab 7 (Catch Me If You Can): Add CSS3 Animations to refine animations and create fun game</li>

               <li>Test your assignments in IE(6?), Opera, Safari, etc.
                     <li>Use Modernizr/yepnope and polyfills to fill holes in browser support</li>
               <li>Revise your code using scoresheet feedback
                     <li>It can be VERY useful learning/ego exercise to revise old code!</li>

         <div class="slide">
            <h1>Further Learning</h1>

            <div class="rightfigure" style="width: 200px">
               <a href="">
                  <img src="images/crockford.jpg" alt="Douglas Crockford" />

               <li>Read <a href="">Smashing Magazine</a>, <a href="">A List Apart</a> articles</li>
               <li><a href="">Yahoo! web developer videos</a></li>
               <li>More Javascript
                     <li>Learn to write classes/objects in Javascript (tutorial <a href="">#1</a>, <a href="">#2</a>)</li>
                        Learn other JS libraries such as <a href="">Google Ajax Search API</a> <!-- (<a href="">slides</a>) -->,
                        <a href="">Yahoo! UI</a>, or <a href="">Prototype</a>
                  Macromedia Flash (whose ActionScript syntax is based on the same language as JavaScript):
                  <a href="">tutorial 1</a>,
                  <a href="">tutorial 2</a>,
                  <a href="">tutorial 3</a>

               <!-- <li>
                  topics we didn't have time to cover:
                        <a href="">Web design and usability</a>
                        <a href="lecture29-going_live.ppt">Going &quot;live&quot;</a>, making a real web site with your own domain name
                        Embedding <a href="">multimedia content</a>
                        (<a href="">old HW assignment</a>)
                        (<a href="">resources</a>)
               </li> -->
               <!-- <li>server-side web programming in Java
                     <li>JSP / servlets (<a href="">#1</a>, <a href="">#2</a>)</li>
                     <li>applets (<a href="">#1</a>, <a href="">#2</a>)</li>
               </li> -->

         <div class="slide">
            <h1>Taking a web site &quot;live&quot;</h1>
                  <img class="rightfigure" src="images/pagerank.png" alt="PageRank" />

                  buy your own domain name (e.g.
                  <a href="">DreamHost</a>
                  learn about (stalk) your users with <a href="">Google Analytics</a> <br />

                  <img src="images/webmastertools.png" alt="Google Webmaster Tools" />
                  <img class="rightfigure" src="images/acents.png" alt="sense" />

                  improve your page / improve <a href="">PageRank</a>:
                  <a href=""><abbr title="Search Engine Optimization">SEO</abbr></a>, <a href="">meta tags</a>
                  make a few bucks with ads: <a href="">Google AdSense</a>
                  get the word out: <a href="">Google AdWords</a>,
                  <a href="">Webmaster Tools</a> <br />

                  <img src="images/awords.png" alt="words" />
         <div class="slide">
            <h1>Stuff we’ve learned this quarter</h1>
               <li>HTML, semantics</li>
                     <li>fonts &amp; colors, typography</li>
                     <li>layout in columns</li>
                     <li>“morphing” elements between block, inline, and inline-block</li>
                     <li>“responsive” design to adapt to screen sizes</li>
                     <li>absolute/relative/fixed positioning</li>
                     <li>transitions &amp; animations</li>
                     <li>syntax quirks (like functions being values)</li>
                     <li>querying the DOM with jQuery</li>
                     <li>event handling with jQuery</li>
                     <li>inspecting &amp; modifying the page with the DOM &amp; jQuery</li>
                     <li>loading data using Ajax; JSON, XML, and JSONP</li>
                     <li>how to interact with web services</li>
                     <li>Google Maps API</li>
                     <li>mobile web development with jQuery Mobile</li>
         <div class="slide">
            <h1>Spring quarter: INFO 344</h1>
               <li>The other half of webdev!</li>
               <li>Server-side programming with PHP</li>
               <li>Advanced Ajax (“push” technologies)</li>
               <li>Creating RESTful web services like the APIs we’re using
                     <li>Apps which can save data to a web server using Ajax</li>
               <li>Creating database-driven websites with dynamic content using MySQL (building off of INFO 340, the databases course)
                     <li>Learn how programs like Facebook and Twitter provide you with dynamic content!</li>
               <li>Go from designing individual pages to building a site infrastructure</li>
               <li>Former 190 M/154 students: INFO 344 will have even more new material than 343(!)</li>
         <!-- <div class="slide">
            <h1>Other courses you can/should take</h1>

               <li><a href="">CSE 143</a> - learn more about structuring data and algorithms (if you haven't taken it yet!)</li>
               <li>ENTRE 475/476 - business aspects of web development</li>
               <li><a href="">CSE 373</a> - implementing fundamental data structures</li>
         </div> -->
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