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      <title>Web Programming Step by Step, Lecture 22: Web Security</title>

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            <h1><em>Web Programming Step by Step</em>, Lecture 22</h1>
            <h2>Web Security</h2>

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            <h1><a href="">Web Programming Step by Step</a></h1>
            <h3>Lecture 22 <br /> Web Security</h3>

            <p class="license">
               Except where otherwise noted, the contents of this presentation are Copyright 2010 Marty Stepp, Jessica Miller, and Kevin Wallace.

            <div class="w3c">
               <a href=""><img src="images/w3c-xhtml11.png" alt="Valid XHTML 1.1" /></a>
               <a href=""><img src="images/w3c-css.png" alt="Valid CSS!" /></a>
         <div class="slide titleslide">
            <h1>1. The "security mindset"</h1>
               <li><strong>security mindset</strong></li>
               <li>some basic web attacks</li>
               <li>breaking and securing an example page</li>


         <div class="slide">
            <h1>CSE &le; 190M</h1>
               <img src="images/group_hug.jpg" alt="group hug" style="float: right; margin-left: 1em" />

               <li>until now, we have assumed:
                     <li>valid user input</li>
                     <li>non-malicious users</li>
                     <li>nothing will ever go wrong</li>

               <li>this is unrealistic!</li>
         <div class="slide">
            <h1>The real world</h1>
               <img src="images/orcs.jpg" alt="orcs (dorks?)" style="float: right; margin-left: 1em" />

               <li>in order to write secure code, we must assume:
                     <li>invalid input</li>
                     <li>evil users</li>
                     <li>incompetent users</li>
                     <li>everybody is out to get you</li>
                     <li>botnets, hackers, script kiddies, KGB, etc. are out there</li>

               <li>trust nothing</li>
         <div class="slide titleslide">
            <h1>2. Some basic web attacks</h1>
               <li>security mindset</li>
               <li><strong>some basic web attacks</strong></li>
               <li>breaking and securing an example page</li>

         <div class="slide">
            <h1>HTML injection</h1>
            <p class="description">
               a flaw where a user is able to inject arbitrary HTML content into your page

            <div class="rightfigure">
               <img src="images/8ball.png" alt="8-ball" />
                  This flaw often exists when a page accepts user input and inserts it back into the page without filtering or processing.
                  example:  magic 8-ball
                        <a href=""></a>
                        What kinds of silly or malicious content can we inject into the page?  Why is this bad?
         <div class="slide">
            <h1>Injecting HTML content</h1>
            <pre class="examplecode url">
               <li>injected content can lead to:
                     <li>annoyance / confusion</li>
                     <li class="incremental">damage to data on the server</li>
                     <li class="incremental">exposure of private data on the server</li>
                     <li class="incremental">financial gain/loss</li>
                     <li class="incremental">end of the human race as we know it</li>

               <li>why is HTML injection bad?  It allows others to:
                  <ul class="incremental">
                     <li>disrupt the flow/layout of your site</li>
                     <li>put words into your mouth</li>
                     <li>possibly run malicious code on your users' computers</li>
         <div class="slide">
            <h1>Cross-site scripting</h1>
            <p class="description">
               a flaw where a user is able to inject and execute arbitrary JavaScript code in your page

            <pre class="examplecode url">
8ball.php?question=<em>&lt;script type='text/javascript'&gt;alert('pwned');&lt;/script&gt;</em>

            <div class="rightfigure">
               <img src="images/buyagrade.png" alt="Buy-a-Grade" />
               <li>JavaScript is often able to be injected because of an HTML injection vulnerability</li>

                  example: Lab 4 (Buy-a-Grade)
                        <a href=""></a>
                        How can we inject JavaScript code into the page?  Why is this bad?

               <li class="incremental">injected script code can:
                     <li>masquerade as the original page and trick the user into entering sensitive data</li>
                     <li>steal the user's cookies</li>
                     <li>masquerade as the user and submit data on their behalf (submit forms, click buttons, etc.)</li>
         <div class="slide">
            <h1>Securing against HTML injection</h1>
               <li>one idea: disallow harmful characters
                     <li>HTML injection is impossible without &lt; &gt;</li>
                     <li>can strip those characters from input, or reject the entire request if they are present</li>
               <li>better idea: allow them, but <span class="term">escape</span> them</li>

            <table class="standard">
                     <a href=""><code>htmlspecialchars</code></a>
                     returns an HTML-escaped version of a string

            <pre class="php">
$text = "&lt;p&gt;hi 2 u &amp; me&lt;/p&gt;";
$text = htmlspecialchars($text);   <span class="comment"># "&amp;lt;p&amp;gt;hi 2 u &amp;amp; me&amp;lt;/p&amp;gt;"</span>
         <div class="slide">
            <h1>SQL injection</h1>
            <p class="description">
               a flaw where the user is able to inject arbitrary SQL commands into your query
            <div class="rightfigure">
               <img src="images/8ball.png" alt="8-ball" />
                  This flaw often exists when a page accepts user input and inserts it into a query without filtering or processing.
                  example: simpsons grade lookup
                        <a href=""></a>
                        What kinds of SQL can we inject into the query?  Why is this bad?
         <div class="slide">
            <h1>A SQL injection attack</h1>
                  The query in the Simpsons PHP code is:
                  <pre class="examplecode sql">
$query = &quot;SELECT * FROM users
WHERE username = '$username' AND password = '$password'&quot;;
               <li>Are there malicious values for the user name and password that we could enter?</li>

               <li class="incremental">
                  Password: <input type="text" style="font-family: monospace;" value="' OR '1'='1" />

               <li class="incremental">
                  This causes the query to be executed as:

                  <pre class="examplecode sql">
$query = &quot;SELECT * FROM users
WHERE username = '$username' AND password = '<em class="highlight">' OR '1'='1</em>'&quot;;

                        What will the above query return?  Why is this bad?
         <div class="slide">
            <h1>Too true...</h1>
            <div class="figure">
               <img src="images/xkcd_tables.png" alt="bobby tables xkcd comic" />
               <li>injected SQL can:
                     <li>change the query to output others' data (revealing private information)</li>
                     <li>insert a query to modify existing data (increase bank account balance)</li>
                     <li>delete existing data (<code>; DROP TABLE students; --</code> )</li>
                     <li>bloat the query to slow down the server (<code>JOIN a JOIN b JOIN c ... )</li>
         <div class="slide">
            <h1>Securing against SQL injection</h1>
               <li>similar to securing against HTML injection, escape the string before you include it in your query</li>
            <table class="standard">
                     <a href=""><code>mysql_real_escape_string</code></a>
                     returns a SQL-escaped version of a string

            <pre class="examplecode php">
$username = <em>mysql_real_escape_string($_REQUEST[&quot;username&quot;])</em>;
$password = <em>mysql_real_escape_string($_REQUEST[&quot;password&quot;])</em>;
$query = &quot;SELECT name, ssn, dob FROM users
WHERE username = '$username' AND password = '$password'&quot;;


               <li>replaces <code>'</code> with <code>\'</code>, etc.</li>
               <li>you must log in to the db using <code>mysql_connect</code> before calling <code>mysql_real_escape_string</code></li>
         <div class="slide titleslide">
            <h1>3. Breaking and securing an example page</h1>
               <li>PHP/SQL review</li>

               <li>some basic web attacks</li>
               <li><strong>breaking and securing an example page</strong></li>

         <div class="slide practiceproblem">
            <h1>Practice problem: Hack Marty's turnin</h1>

               <li>How can we break this page? <br />
                  <a href=""></a>
               <li>We want to cheat on Homework Assignment 7,  We want to find a way to submit a perfect working solution without doing any real work.</li>
               <li>We got a low grade on a past assignment, so if possible, we want to set our past grades to be higher than they are now.</li>
               <li>Our enemy is fellow classmate Felix Chu.  We want to find out his personal information (password, email, student ID, grade, etc.).</li>
               <li>We don't like the course instructor, Marty Stepp.  We want to make the turnin page print an embarrassing message about him.</li>

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