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      <title>Web Programming Step by Step, Lecture 8: HTML Forms</title>

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            <h1><em>Web Programming Step by Step</em>, Lecture 8</h1>
            <h2>HTML Forms</h2>

      <div class="presentation">
         <div class="slide">
            <h1><a href="">Web Programming Step by Step</a></h1>
            <h3>Lecture 8 <br /> HTML Forms</h3>
            <h4>Reading: 6.1 - 6.2, 6.4</h4>

            <p class="license">
               Except where otherwise noted, the contents of this presentation are Copyright 2010 Marty Stepp and Jessica Miller.

            <div class="w3c">
               <a href=""><img src="images/w3c-xhtml11.png" alt="Valid XHTML 1.1" /></a>
               <a href=""><img src="images/w3c-css.png" alt="Valid CSS!" /></a>

         <div class="slide titleslide">
            <h1>6.1: Parameterized Pages</h1>
                  <strong>6.1: Parameterized Pages</strong>
                  6.1: Form Basics
                  6.2: Form Controls
                  6.3: Submitting Data
                  6.4: Processing Form Data in PHP

         <div class="slide">
            <h1>Web data</h1>

               <li>most interesting web pages revolve around data
                     <li>examples: Google, IMDB, Digg, Facebook, YouTube, Rotten Tomatoes</li>
                     <li>can take many formats: text, HTML, XML, multimedia</li>
               <li>many of them allow us to access their data</li>
               <li>some even allow us to submit our own new data</li>
               <li>most server-side web programs accept <span class="term">parameters</span> that guide their execution</li>

         <div class="slide">
               Query strings and parameters
               <span class="readingsection">(6.1.1)</span>

<pre class="syntaxtemplate url">

<pre class="url"><em>q=Obama</em><em>username=stepp</em>&amp;<em>id=1234567</em>
               <li><span class="term">query string</span>: a set of parameters passed from a browser to a web server
                     <li>often passed by placing name/value pairs at the end of a URL</li>
                     <li>above, parameter <code>username</code> has value <code>stepp</code>, and <code>sid</code> has value <code>1234567</code></li>
               <li>PHP code on the server can examine and utilize the value of parameters</li>
               <li>a way for PHP code to produce different output based on values passed by the user</li>

         <div class="slide">
               Query parameters:
               <a href="" class="underscorelink"><code>$_REQUEST</code></a>
               <span class="readingsection">(6.4.2)</span>

<pre class="examplecode php">
$user_name = <em>$_REQUEST[&quot;username&quot;]</em>;
$id_number = (int) <em>$_REQUEST[&quot;id&quot;]</em>;
$eats_meat = FALSE;
if (isset(<em>$_REQUEST[&quot;meat&quot;]</em>)) {
   $eats_meat = TRUE;

                  <code>$_REQUEST[&quot;<var>parameter name</var>&quot;]</code> returns a parameter's value as a string
               <li>test whether a given parameter was passed with <code>isset</code></li>

         <div class="slide">
            <h1>Example: Exponents</h1>

            <div class="example">
<pre class="examplecode php">
$base = <em>$_REQUEST[&quot;base&quot;]</em>;
$exp = <em>$_REQUEST[&quot;exponent&quot;]</em>;
$result = pow($base, $exp);
print "$base ^ $exp = $result";

<pre class="exampleurl url"><em>base=3</em>&<em>exponent=4</em>

               <div class="exampleoutput">
                  3 ^ 4 = 81
         <div class="slide titleslide">
            <h1>6.1: Form Basics</h1>
                  6.1: Parameterized Pages
                  <strong>6.1: Form Basics</strong>
                  6.2: Form Controls
                  6.3: Submitting Data
                  6.4: Processing Form Data in PHP

         <div class="slide">
            <h1>HTML forms</h1>

            <div style="float: right; border: 3px solid gray;"><img src="images/form.png" alt="HTML form" /></div>

               <li><span class="term">form</span>: a group of UI controls that accepts information from the user and sends the information to a web server</li>
               <li>the information is sent to the server as a <span class="term">query string</span></li>
               <li>JavaScript can be used to create interactive controls (seen later)</li>

         <div class="slide">
               HTML form:
               <a href=""><code>&lt;form&gt;</code></a>
               <span class="readingsection">(6.1.2)</span>

<pre class="examplecode html">
<em>&lt;form action=&quot;<var>destination URL</var>&quot;&gt;</em>
   <var>form controls</var>

               <li>required <code>action</code> attribute gives the URL of the page that will process this form's data</li>
                  when form has been filled out and <span class="term">submitted</span>, its data will be sent to the <code>action</code>'s URL
                  one page may contain many forms if so desired

         <div class="slide">
               Form example

            <div class="example">
<pre class="examplecode html">
<em>&lt;form action=&quot;;&gt;</em>
      Let's search Google:
      &lt;input name=&quot;q&quot; /&gt;
      &lt;input type=&quot;submit&quot; /&gt;

               <div class="exampleoutput insertoutput"></div>

               <li>must wrap the form's controls in a block element such as <code>div</code></li>

         <div class="slide titleslide">
            <h1>6.2: Form Controls</h1>
                  6.1: Parameterized Pages
                  6.1: Form Basics
                  <strong>6.2: Form Controls</strong>
                  6.3: Submitting Data
                  6.4: Processing Form Data in PHP

         <div class="slide">
               Form controls: <a href=""><code>&lt;input&gt;</code></a>

            <div class="example">
<pre class="examplecode html">
<span class="comment">&lt;!-- 'q' happens to be the name of Google's required parameter --&gt;</span>
&lt;input <em>type=&quot;text&quot; name=&quot;q&quot; value=&quot;Colbert Report&quot;</em> /&gt;
&lt;input <em>type=&quot;submit&quot; value=&quot;Booyah!&quot;</em> /&gt;
               <form action="" class="exampleoutput insertoutput"></form>

               <li><code>input</code> element is used to create many UI controls
                     <li>an inline element that MUST be self-closed</li>
               <li><code>name</code> attribute specifies name of query parameter to pass to server</li>
               <li><code>type</code> can be <code>button</code>, <code>checkbox</code>, <code>file</code>, <code>hidden</code>, <code>password</code>, <code>radio</code>, <code>reset</code>, <code>submit</code>, <code>text</code>, ...</li>
               <li><code>value</code> attribute specifies control's initial text</li>

         <div class="slide">
               Text fields:
               <a href=""><code>&lt;input&gt;</code></a>
               <span class="readingsection">(6.2.1)</span>
            <div class="example">
<pre class="examplecode html">
&lt;input type=&quot;text&quot; <em>size=&quot;10&quot; maxlength=&quot;8&quot;</em> /&gt; NetID &lt;br /&gt;
&lt;input <em>type=&quot;password&quot;</em> size=&quot;16&quot; /&gt; Password
&lt;input type=&quot;submit&quot; value=&quot;Log In&quot; /&gt;
               <form action="" class="exampleoutput insertoutput"></form>

               <li><code>input</code> attributes: <code>disabled</code>, <code>maxlength</code>, <code>readonly</code>, <code>size</code>, <code>value</code></li>
               <li><code>size</code> attribute controls onscreen width of text field</li>
               <li><code>maxlength</code> limits how many characters user is able to type into field</li>

         <div class="slide">
               Text boxes:
               <a href=""><code>&lt;textarea&gt;</code></a>
               <span class="readingsection">(6.2.2)</span>
            <p class="description">
               a multi-line text input area (inline)

            <div class="example">
<pre class="examplecode html">
<em>&lt;textarea rows=&quot;4&quot; cols=&quot;20&quot;&gt;</em>
Type your comments here.
               <div class="exampleoutput insertoutput"></div>

               <li>initial text is placed inside <code>textarea</code> tag (optional)</li>
               <li>required <code>rows</code> and <code>cols</code> attributes specify height/width in characters</li>
               <li>optional <code>readonly</code> attribute means text cannot be modified</li>

         <div class="slide">
               <a href=""><code>&lt;input&gt;</code></a>
               <span class="readingsection">(6.2.3)</span>
            <p class="description">
               yes/no choices that can be checked and unchecked (inline)

            <div class="example">
<pre class="examplecode html">
&lt;input <em>type=&quot;checkbox&quot;</em> name=&quot;lettuce&quot; /&gt; Lettuce
&lt;input <em>type=&quot;checkbox&quot; name=&quot;tomato&quot; checked=&quot;checked&quot;</em> /&gt; Tomato
&lt;input <em>type=&quot;checkbox&quot;</em> name=&quot;pickles&quot; checked=&quot;checked&quot; /&gt; Pickles

               <form action="" class="exampleoutput insertoutput">
                  <input type="submit" />

               <li>none, 1, or many checkboxes can be checked at same time</li>
               <li>when sent to server, any checked boxes will be sent with value <code>on</code>:
               <li>use <code>checked=&quot;checked&quot;</code> attribute in HTML to initially check the box</li>

         <div class="slide">
               Radio buttons:
               <a href=""><code>&lt;input&gt;</code></a>
               <span class="readingsection">(6.2.4)</span>
            <p class="description">
               sets of mutually exclusive choices (inline)

            <div class="example">
<pre class="examplecode html">
&lt;input <em>type=&quot;radio&quot;</em> name=&quot;cc&quot; value=&quot;visa&quot; checked=&quot;checked&quot; /&gt; Visa
&lt;input <em>type=&quot;radio&quot;</em> name=&quot;cc&quot; value=&quot;mastercard&quot; /&gt; MasterCard
&lt;input <em>type=&quot;radio&quot;</em> name=&quot;cc&quot; value=&quot;amex&quot; /&gt; American Express

               <form action="" class="exampleoutput insertoutput">
                  <input type="submit" />

               <li>grouped by <code>name</code> attribute (only one can be checked at a time)</li>
               <li>must specify a <code>value</code> for each one or else it will be sent as value <code>on</code></li>

         <div class="slide">
               Text labels:
               <a href=""><code>&lt;label&gt;</code></a>
               <span class="readingsection">(6.2.5)</span>

            <div class="example">
<pre class="examplecode html" style="font-size: smaller">
<em>&lt;label&gt;</em>&lt;input type=&quot;radio&quot; name=&quot;cc&quot; value=&quot;visa&quot; checked=&quot;checked&quot; /&gt; Visa<em>&lt;/label&gt;</em>
<em>&lt;label&gt;</em>&lt;input type=&quot;radio&quot; name=&quot;cc&quot; value=&quot;mastercard&quot; /&gt; MasterCard<em>&lt;/label&gt;</em>
<em>&lt;label&gt;</em>&lt;input type=&quot;radio&quot; name=&quot;cc&quot; value=&quot;amex&quot; /&gt; American Express<em>&lt;/label&gt;</em>

               <form action="" class="exampleoutput insertoutput">
                  <input type="submit" />

               <li>associates nearby text with control, so you can click text to activate control</li>
               <li>can be used with checkboxes or radio buttons</li>
               <li><code>label</code> element can be targeted by CSS style rules</li>

         <div class="slide">
               Drop-down list:
               <a href=""><code>&lt;select&gt;</code></a>,
               <a href=""><code>&lt;option&gt;</code></a>
               <span class="readingsection">(6.2.6)</span>
            <p class="description">
               menus of choices that collapse and expand (inline)

            <div class="example">
<pre class="examplecode html">
<em>&lt;select name=&quot;favoritecharacter&quot;&gt;</em>
   &lt;option <em>selected=&quot;selected&quot;</em>&gt;Kramer&lt;/option&gt;

               <form action="" class="exampleoutput insertoutput">
                  <input type="submit" />

               <li><code>option</code> element represents each choice</li>
               <li><code>select</code> optional attributes: <code>disabled</code>, <code>multiple</code>, <code>size</code></li>
               <li>optional <code>selected</code> attribute sets which one is initially chosen</li>

         <div class="slide">
            <h1>Using <code>&lt;select&gt;</code> for lists</h1>

            <div class="example">
<pre class="examplecode html" style="font-size: smaller">
&lt;select name=&quot;favoritecharacter<em>[]</em>&quot; <em>size=&quot;3&quot; multiple=&quot;multiple&quot;</em>&gt;
   &lt;option <em>selected=&quot;selected&quot;</em>&gt;Newman&lt;/option&gt;
               <form action="" class="exampleoutput insertoutput">
                  <input type="submit" />

               <li>optional <code>multiple</code> attribute allows selecting multiple items with shift- or ctrl-click
                        when submitting to a PHP script, must declare parameter's name with <code>[]</code> if you allow multiple selections (PHP will turn this into an array of the selected options)
               <li><code>option</code> tags can be set to be initially <code>selected</code></li>

         <div class="slide">
               Option groups:
               <a href=""><code>&lt;optgroup&gt;</code></a>

            <div class="example">
<pre class="examplecode html" style="font-size: smaller">
&lt;select name=&quot;favoritecharacter&quot;&gt;
   <em>&lt;optgroup label=&quot;Major Characters&quot;&gt;</em>
   <em>&lt;optgroup label=&quot;Minor Characters&quot;&gt;</em>

               <form action="" class="exampleoutput insertoutput">
                  <input type="submit" />

               <li>What should we do if we don't like the bold italic?</li>

         <div class="slide">
               Reset buttons
               <span class="readingsection">(6.2.7)</span>

            <!-- *** this form doesn't make sense as a GET; change -->
            <div class="example">
<pre class="examplecode html">
Name: &lt;input type=&quot;text&quot; name=&quot;name&quot; /&gt; &lt;br /&gt;
Food: &lt;input type=&quot;text&quot; name=&quot;meal&quot; value=&quot;pizza&quot; /&gt; &lt;br /&gt;
&lt;label&gt;Meat? &lt;input type=&quot;checkbox&quot; name=&quot;meat&quot; /&gt;&lt;/label&gt; &lt;br /&gt;
<em>&lt;input type=&quot;reset&quot; /&gt;</em>
               <form action="" class="exampleoutput insertoutput">
                  <input type="submit" />

               <li>when clicked, returns all form controls to their initial values</li>
               <li>specify custom text on the button by setting its <code>value</code> attribute</li>

         <div class="slide">
            <h1>Common UI control errors</h1>

                  <q>I changed the form's HTML code ... but when I refresh, the page doesn't update!</q>

                     <li>By default, when you refresh a page, it leaves the previous values in all form controls</li>
                     <li>it does this in case you were filling out a long form and needed to refresh/return to it</li>
                     <li>if you want it to clear out all UI controls' state and values, you must do a <span class="term">full refresh</span>
                           <li>Firefox: Shift-Ctrl-R</li>
                           <li>Mac: Shift-Command-R</li>
         <div class="slide">
               Hidden input parameters
               <span class="readingsection">(6.3.2)</span>
            <div class="example">
<pre class="examplecode html">
&lt;input type=&quot;text&quot; name=&quot;username&quot; /&gt; Name &lt;br /&gt;
&lt;input type=&quot;text&quot; name=&quot;sid&quot; /&gt; SID &lt;br /&gt;
<em>&lt;input type=&quot;hidden&quot; name=&quot;school&quot; value=&quot;UW&quot; /&gt;
&lt;input type=&quot;hidden&quot; name=&quot;year&quot; value=&quot;2048&quot; /&gt;</em></pre>

               <form action="" class="exampleoutput insertoutput">
                  <input type="submit" />
               <li>an invisible parameter that is still passed to the server when form is submitted</li>
               <li>useful for passing on additional state that isn't modified by the user</li>

         <div class="slide">
               Grouping input:
               <a href=""><code>&lt;fieldset&gt;</code></a>, 
               <a href=""><code>&lt;legend&gt;</code></a>
               <span class="readingsection">(6.2.8)</span>
            <p class="description">
               groups of input fields with optional caption (block)

            <div class="example">
<pre class="examplecode html">
   <em>&lt;legend&gt;</em>Credit cards:<em>&lt;/legend&gt;</em>
   &lt;input <em>type=&quot;radio&quot;</em> name=&quot;cc&quot; value=&quot;visa&quot; checked=&quot;checked&quot; /&gt; Visa
   &lt;input <em>type=&quot;radio&quot;</em> name=&quot;cc&quot; value=&quot;mastercard&quot; /&gt; MasterCard
   &lt;input <em>type=&quot;radio&quot;</em> name=&quot;cc&quot; value=&quot;amex&quot; /&gt; American Express

               <form action="" class="exampleoutput insertoutput">
                  <input type="submit" />

               <li><code>fieldset</code> groups related input fields, adds a border; <code>legend</code> supplies a caption</li>

         <div class="slide">
               Styling form controls 
               <span class="readingsection">(6.2.9)</span>
            <div class="example">
<pre class="syntaxtemplate css">
<span class="placeholder">element</span><em>[<span class="placeholder">attribute</span>=&quot;<span class="placeholder">value</span>&quot;]</em> {
   <span class="placeholder">property</span> : <span class="placeholder">value</span>;
   <span class="placeholder">property</span> : <span class="placeholder">value</span>;
   <span class="placeholder">property</span> : <span class="placeholder">value</span>;

<pre class="examplecode css">
input<em>[type=&quot;text&quot;]</em> {
   background-color: yellow;
   font-weight: bold;

               <div class="exampleoutput insertoutput">
                  <input type="text" value="Borat" style="background-color: yellow; font-weight: bold;" />

               <li><span class="term">attribute selector</span>: matches only elements that have a particular attribute value</li>
               <li>useful for controls because many share the same element (<code>input</code>)</li>
         <div class="slide titleslide">
            <h1>6.4: Processing Form Data in PHP</h1>
                  6.1: Form Basics
                  6.2: Form Controls
                  6.3: Submitting Data
                  <strong>6.4: Processing Form Data in PHP</strong>

         <div class="slide">
               Associative arrays
               <span class="readingsection">(6.4.1)</span>

<pre class="examplecode php">
$blackbook = array();
<em>$blackbook[&quot;marty&quot;]</em> = &quot;206-685-2181&quot;;
<em>$blackbook[&quot;stuart&quot;]</em> = &quot;206-685-9138&quot;;
print &quot;Marty's number is &quot; . <em>$blackbook[&quot;marty&quot;]</em> . &quot;.\n&quot;;

               <li><span class="term">associative array</span> (a.k.a. <span class="term">map</span>, <span class="term">dictionary</span>, <span class="term">hash table</span>) : uses non-integer indexes</li>
               <li>associates a particular index &quot;key&quot; with a value
                     <li>key <code>&quot;marty&quot;</code> maps to value <code>&quot;206-685-2181&quot;</code></li>
               <li>syntax for embedding an associative array element in interpreted string:
<pre class="examplecode php">
print &quot;Marty's number is <em>{$blackbook['marty']}</em>.\n&quot;;

         <div class="slide">
            <h1>Creating an associative array</h1>

<pre class="syntaxtemplate php">
$<var>name</var> = array();
$<var>name</var>[&quot;<var>key</var>&quot;]</span> = <var>value</var>;
$<var>name</var>[&quot;<var>key</var>&quot;]</span> = <var>value</var>;

<pre class="syntaxtemplate php">
$<var>name</var> = array(<var>key</var> => <var>value</var>, ..., <var>key</var> => <var>value</var>);

<pre class="examplecode php">
$blackbook = array(&quot;marty&quot;  =&gt; &quot;206-685-2181&quot;,
                   &quot;stuart&quot; =&gt; &quot;206-685-9138&quot;,
                   &quot;jenny&quot;  =&gt; &quot;206-867-5309&quot;);

               <li>can be declared either initially empty, or with a set of predeclared key/value pairs</li>

         <div class="slide">
            <h1>Printing an associative array</h1>

            <div class="example">
<pre class="examplecode php">

<pre class="exampleoutput">
    [jenny] => 206-867-5309
    [stuart] => 206-685-9138
    [marty] => 206-685-2181

               <li><a href=""><code>print_r</code></a> function displays all keys/values in the array</li>
               <li><a href=""><code>var_dump</code></a> function is much like <code>print_r</code> but prints more info</li>
               <li>unlike <code>print</code>, these functions require parentheses</li>
               <li>often useful to <code>print_r</code> inside of a <code>&lt;pre&gt;</code> block to pretty-print in browser</li>

         <div class="slide">
            <h1>Associative array <a href="">functions</a></h1>

<pre class="examplecode php">
if (<em>isset($blackbook[&quot;marty&quot;])</em>) {
   print &quot;Marty's phone number is {$blackbook['marty']}\n&quot;;
} else {
   print &quot;No phone number found for Marty Stepp.\n&quot;;

            <table class="standard">
                     <a href=""><code>isset</code></a>, <a href=""><code>array_key_exists</code></a>
                     whether the array contains value for given key
                     <a href=""><code>array_keys</code></a>, <a href=""><code>array_values</code></a>
                     an array containing all keys or all values in the assoc.array
                     <a href=""><code>asort</code></a>, <a href=""><code>arsort</code></a>
                     sorts by value, in normal or reverse order
                     <a href=""><code>ksort</code></a>, <a href=""><code>krsort</code></a>
                     sorts by key, in normal or reverse order

         <div class="slide">
            <h1><code>foreach</code> loop and associative arrays</h1>

            <div class="example">
<pre class="examplecode php">
<em>foreach ($blackbook as $key => $value)</em> {
   print &quot;$key's phone number is $value\n&quot;;

<pre class="exampleoutput">
jenny's phone number is 206-867-5309
stuart's phone number is 206-685-9138
marty's phone number is 206-685-2181

               <li>both the key and the value are given a variable name</li>
               <li>the elements will be processed in the order they were added to the array</li>
         <div class="slide">
            <h1>Example: Print all parameters</h1>

            <div class="example">
               <pre class="examplecode php">
<em>foreach ($_REQUEST as $param =&gt; $value) {</em>

   &lt;p&gt;Parameter <em>&lt;?= $param ?&gt;</em> has value <em>&lt;?= $value ?&gt;</em>&lt;/p&gt;


<pre class="exampleurl url"><em>name=Marty+Stepp</em>&<em>sid=1234567</em>

               <div class="exampleoutput">            
                  <p>Parameter name has value Marty Stepp</p>
                  <p>Parameter sid has value 1234567</p>
                  or call <code>print_r</code> or <code>var_dump</code> on <code>$_REQUEST</code> for debugging

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