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      <title>Web Programming Step by Step, Lecture 15: Events</title>

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            <h1><em>Web Programming Step by Step</em>, Lecture 15</h1>

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            <h1><a href="">Web Programming Step by Step</a></h1>
            <h3>Lecture 15 <br /> Events</h3>
            <h4>Reading: 9.1 - 9.2</h4>

            <p class="license">
               Except where otherwise noted, the contents of this presentation are Copyright 2010 Marty Stepp and Jessica Miller.

            <div class="w3c">
               <a href=""><img src="images/w3c-xhtml11.png" alt="Valid XHTML 1.1" /></a>
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         <!-- <div class="slide titleslide">
            <h1>9.2: Event-Handling</h1>
                  8.1: Global DOM Objects
                  <strong>9.2: Event-Handling</strong>
         </div> -->

         <div class="slide">
            <h1>JavaScript events</h1>
            <table class="standard">
                     <code><a href="">abort</a></code>
                     <code><a href="">blur</a></code>
                     <code><a href="">change</a></code>
                     <code><a href="">click</a></code>
                     <code><a href="">dblclick</a></code>
                     <code><a href="">error</a></code>
                     <code><a href="">focus</a></code>
                     <code><a href="">keydown</a></code>
                     <code><a href="">keypress</a></code>
                     <code><a href="">keyup</a></code>
                     <code><a href="">load</a></code>
                     <code><a href="">mousedown</a></code>
                     <code><a href="">mousemove</a></code>
                     <code><a href="">mouseout</a></code>
                     <code><a href="">mouseover</a></code>
                     <code><a href="">mouseup</a></code>
                     <code><a href="">reset</a></code>
                     <code><a href="">resize</a></code>
                     <code><a href="">select</a></code>
                     <code><a href="">submit</a></code>
                     <code><a href="">unload</a></code>
                  the <code>click</code> event (<code>onclick</code>) is just one of many events that can be handled
                  <strong>problem</strong>: events are tricky and have <a href="">incompatibilities</a> across browsers
                        reasons: fuzzy W3C event specs; IE disobeying web standards; etc.
                  <strong>solution</strong>: Prototype includes many event-related features and fixes
         <div class="slide">
            <h1>Attaching event handlers the Prototype way</h1>
            <pre class="syntaxtemplate js">
<del><var>element</var>.on<var>event</var> = <var>function</var></del>;
<var>element</var>.observe(&quot;<var>event</var>&quot;, <var>function</var>);

            <pre class="examplecode js">
<span class="comment">// call the playNewGame function when the Play button is clicked</span>
$(&quot;play&quot;).observe(&quot;click&quot;, playNewGame);

                  to use Prototype's event features, you must attach the handler using the DOM element object's <code>observe</code> method (added by Prototype)
                  pass the <strong>event name</strong> as a string, and the <strong>function name</strong> to call
                  handlers <em>must</em> be attached this way for Prototype's event features to work
            <ul class="aside" style="margin-top: 2em">
                  <code>observe</code> substitutes for <a href=""><code>addEventListener</code></a> (not supported by IE)

         <div class="slide">
            <h1>Prototype alternative to <code>window.onload</code></h1>
            <pre class="syntaxtemplate js">
<del>window.onload = function() {
   // ...
document.<em>observe</em>(<em>'dom:loaded'</em>, function() {
   // ...

            <pre class="examplecode js">
<span class="comment">// attach playNewGame click handler when page has finished loading</span>
document.observe('dom:loaded', function () {
   $('play').observe('click', playNewGame);

                  allows multiple scripts to run "onload" handlers when the page has finished loading

         <div class="slide">
            <h1>Attaching multiple event handlers with <code>$$</code></h1>

<pre class="examplecode js">
<span class="comment">// listen to clicks on all buttons with class &quot;control&quot; that
// are directly inside the section with ID &quot;game&quot;</span>
document.observe('dom:loaded', function() {
   var gameButtons = <em>$$(&quot;#game > button.control&quot;)</em>;
   for (var i = 0; i &lt; gameButtons.length; i++) {
      <em>gameButtons[i].observe(&quot;click&quot;, gameButtonClick);</em>

function gameButtonClick() { ... }

               <li>you can use <code>$$</code> and other DOM walking methods to unobtrusively attach event handlers to a group of related elements in your <code>window.onload</code> code</li>


         <div class="slide">
            <h1>The <code>event</code> object</h1>

            <pre class="syntaxtemplate js">
function <var>name</var>(<em>event</em>) {
   <span class="comment">// an event handler function ...</span>

                  Event handlers can accept an optional parameter to represent the event that is occurring.  Event objects have the following properties / methods:
            <table class="standard">
                     method / property name
                     what kind of event, such as <code>&quot;click&quot;</code> or <code>&quot;mousedown&quot;</code>
                     <a href=""><code>element()</code></a> *
                     the element on which the event occurred
                     <a href=""><code>stop()</code></a> **
                     cancels an event
                     <a href=""><code>stopObserving()</code></a>
                     removes an event handler
            <ul class="aside" style="list-style-type: none">
                  * &nbsp; replaces non-standard <code>srcElement</code> and <code>which</code> properties
                  ** replaces non-standard <code>return false;</code>, <code>stopPropagation</code>, etc.

         <div class="slide">
               Mouse events
               <span class="readingsection">(9.2.2)</span>

            <table class="standard">

                     <code><a href="">click</a></code>
                     user presses/releases mouse button on the element
                     <code><a href="">dblclick</a></code>
                     user presses/releases mouse button twice on the element
                     <code><a href="">mousedown</a></code>
                     user presses down mouse button on the element
                     <code><a href="">mouseup</a></code>
                     user releases mouse button on the element

            <table class="standard">

                     <code><a href="">mouseover</a></code>
                     mouse cursor enters the element's box
                     <code><a href="">mouseout</a></code>
                     mouse cursor exits the element's box

                     <code><a href="">mousemove</a></code>
                     mouse cursor moves around within the element's box

         <div class="slide">
            <h1>Mouse event objects</h1>
               The <code>event</code> passed to a mouse handler has these properties:
            <div class="rightfigure" style="width: 30%">
               <img src="images/figure_2_mouse_events.png" alt="mouse event" style="width: 100%" />
            <table class="standard">
                     <code>clientX</code>, <code>clientY</code>
                     coordinates in <em>browser window</em>
                     <code>screenX</code>, <code>screenY</code>
                     coordinates in <em>screen</em>
                     <code>offsetX</code>, <code>offsetY</code>
                     coordinates in <em>element</em> (non-standard)
                     <code>pageX</code>, <code>pageY</code>
                     coordinates in <em>entire web page</em>
                     <a href=""><code>pointerX()</code></a>, <br />
                     <a href=""><code>pointerY()</code></a> *
                     coordinates in <em>entire web page</em>

                     <a href=""><code>isLeftClick()</code></a> **
                     <code>true</code> if left button was pressed
            <ul class="aside" style="list-style-type: none">
                  * &nbsp; replaces non-standard properties <code>pageX</code> and <code>pageY</code>
                  ** replaces non-standard properties <code>button</code> and <code>which</code>

         <div class="slide">
            <h1>Mouse event example</h1>

            <div class="example">
               <pre class="examplecode html">
&lt;pre id=&quot;target&quot;&gt;Move the mouse over me!&lt;/pre&gt;

               <pre class="examplecode js">
document.observe('dom:loaded', function() {
   $(&quot;target&quot;).observe(&quot;mousemove&quot;, showCoords);

function showCoords(<em>event</em>) {
   $(&quot;target&quot;).innerHTML = 
        &quot;pointer: (&quot; + <em>event.pointerX()</em> + &quot;, &quot; + <em>event.pointerY()</em> + &quot;)\n&quot;
      + &quot;screen : (&quot; + <em>event.screenX</em> + &quot;, &quot; + <em>event.screenY</em> + &quot;)\n&quot;
      + &quot;client : (&quot; + <em>event.clientX</em> + &quot;, &quot; + <em>event.clientY</em> + &quot;)&quot;;

               <div class="exampleoutput">
                  <pre onmousemove="this.innerHTML = 'pointer: (' + event.pageX + ', ' + event.pageY + ')\n' + 'screen : (' + event.screenX + ', ' + event.screenY + ')\n' + 'client : (' + event.clientX + ', ' + event.clientY + ')';">
Move the mouse over me!</pre>

         <div class="slide">
               The keyword <code>this</code>
               <span class="readingsection">(8.1.3)</span>
<pre class="syntaxtemplate js">
this.<var>fieldName</var>                  <span class="comment">// access field</span>
this.<var>fieldName</var> = <var>value</var>;          <span class="comment">// modify field</span>

this.<var>methodName</var>(<var>parameters</var>);    <span class="comment">// call method</span>

                  all JavaScript code actually runs inside of an object
                  by default, code runs in the global <code>window</code> object (so <code>this</code> === <code>window</code>)
                        all global variables and functions you declare become part of <code>window</code>
                  the <code>this</code> keyword refers to the current object
         <div class="slide">
               Event handler binding
            <div class="example">
               <pre class="examplecode js">
document.observe('dom:loaded', function() {
   <em>$(&quot;textbox&quot;).observe("mouseout", booyah);</em>   <span class="comment">// bound to text box here</span>
   <em>$(&quot;submit&quot;).observe("click", booyah);</em>       <span class="comment">// bound to submit button here</span>

function booyah() {           <span class="comment">// booyah knows what object it was called on</span>
   <em>this</em>.value = &quot;booyah&quot;;
               <div class="exampleoutput">
                  <input id="textbox" onmouseout="this.value = 'booyah';" />
                  <input type="submit" id="save" value="Save" onclick="this.value = 'booyah';">

               <li>event handlers attached unobtrusively are <span class="term">bound</span> to the element</li>
               <li>inside the handler, that element becomes <code>this</code> (rather than the <code>window</code>)

         <div class="slide">
            <h1>Fixing redundant code with <code>this</code></h1>
<pre class="examplecode html">
   &lt;label&gt;&lt;input type=&quot;radio&quot; name=&quot;ducks&quot; id="huey"  <em>value=&quot;Huey&quot;</em>  /&gt; Huey&lt;/label&gt;
   &lt;label&gt;&lt;input type=&quot;radio&quot; name=&quot;ducks&quot; id="dewey" <em>value=&quot;Dewey&quot;</em> /&gt; Dewey&lt;/label&gt;
   &lt;label&gt;&lt;input type=&quot;radio&quot; name=&quot;ducks&quot; id="louie" <em>value=&quot;Louie&quot;</em> /&gt; Louie&lt;/label&gt;

<pre class="examplecode js">
function processDucks() {
<del class="bad">   if ($(&quot;huey&quot;).checked) {
      alert(&quot;Huey is checked!&quot;);
   } else if ($(&quot;dewey&quot;).checked) {
      alert(&quot;Dewey is checked!&quot;);
   } else {
      alert(&quot;Louie is checked!&quot;);
   <span class="errorfixed">alert(<em>this.value + </em>&quot; is checked!&quot;);</span>

               <li>if the same function is assigned to multiple elements, each gets its own bound copy</li>
         <div class="slide">
               Problems with reading/changing styles

            <div class="example">
               <pre class="examplecode html">
&lt;button id=&quot;clickme&quot;&gt;Click Me&lt;/button&gt;

               <pre class="examplecode examplecode2 js">
document.observe('dom:loaded', function() {
   $(&quot;clickme&quot;).onclick = biggerFont;
function biggerFont() {
   <em class="bad">var size = parseInt($(&quot;clickme&quot;).style.fontSize);</em>
   size += 4;
   $(&quot;clickMe&quot;).style.fontSize = size + &quot;pt&quot;;

               <div class="exampleoutput">
                  <button>Click Me</button>

               <li><a class="popup" href=""><code>style</code></a> property lets you set any CSS style for an element</li>
                  problem: you cannot (usually) read existing styles with it

         <div class="slide">
               Accessing styles in Prototype
               <span class="readingsection">(9.1.4)</span>

            <div class="example">
               <pre class="examplecode js">
function biggerFont() {
   <span class="comment">// turn text yellow and make it bigger</span>
   var size = parseInt($(&quot;clickme&quot;).<em>getStyle</em>(&quot;font-size&quot;));
   $(&quot;clickme&quot;).style.fontSize = (size + 4) + &quot;pt&quot;;

               <div class="exampleoutput">
                  <button style="font-size: 20pt !important;" onclick="var s = parseInt(;'font-size', s + 4 + 'pt', 'important');">Click Me</button>

               <li><code>getStyle</code> function added to DOM object allows accessing existing styles</li>
               <li><code>addClassName</code>, <code>removeClassName</code>, <code>hasClassName</code> manipulate CSS classes</li>

         <div class="slide">
            <h1>Common bug: incorrect usage of existing styles</h1>

            <pre class="examplecode js">
<del> = this.getStyle(&quot;top&quot;) + 100 + &quot;px&quot;;</del>            <span class="comment">// bad!</span>

               <li>the above example computes e.g. 
                  <code>&quot;200px&quot; + 100 + &quot;px&quot;</code> , <br />
                  which would evaluate to <code>&quot;200px100px&quot;</code>
                  a corrected version:

            <pre class="examplecode js"> = <em>parseInt(</em>this.getStyle(&quot;top&quot;)<em>)</em> + 100 + &quot;px&quot;;  <span class="comment">// correct</span>

         <div class="slide">
               Unobtrusive styling
               <span class="readingsection">(8.2.3)</span>

<pre class="examplecode js">
function okayClick() {
   <del> = &quot;red&quot;;</del>
   this.<em>className = &quot;highlighted&quot;</em>;

<pre class="examplecode css">
.<em>highlighted</em> { color: red; }
               <li>well-written JavaScript code should contain as little CSS as possible</li>
               <li>use JS to set CSS classes/IDs on elements</li>
               <li>define the styles of those classes/IDs in your CSS file</li>

         <div class="slide">
               Setting CSS classes in Prototype
               <span class="readingsection">(9.1.4)</span>

<pre class="examplecode js">
function highlightField() {
   <span class="comment">// turn text yellow and make it bigger</span>
   if (!$(&quot;text&quot;).<em>hasClassName</em>(&quot;invalid&quot;)) {

               <li><code>addClassName</code>, <code>removeClassName</code>, <code>hasClassName</code> manipulate CSS classes</li>
                  similar to existing <code>className</code> DOM property, but don't have to manually split by spaces

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