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      <title>Web Programming Step by Step, Lecture 14: Unobtrusive JavaScript and Timers</title>

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            <h1><em>Web Programming Step by Step</em>, Lecture 14</h1>
            <h2>Unobtrusive JavaScript and Timers</h2>

      <div class="presentation">
         <div class="slide">
            <h1><a href="">Web Programming Step by Step</a></h1>
            <h3>Lecture 14 <br /> Unobtrusive JavaScript and Timers</h3>
            <h4>Reading: 7.2 - 7.3; 8.1 - 8.2; 9.2.6</h4>

            <p class="license">
               Except where otherwise noted, the contents of this presentation are Copyright 2010 Marty Stepp and Jessica Miller.

            <div class="w3c">
               <a href=""><img src="images/w3c-xhtml11.png" alt="Valid XHTML 1.1" /></a>
               <a href=""><img src="images/w3c-css.png" alt="Valid CSS!" /></a>
         <div class="slide">
            <h1>Problems with JavaScript</h1>

               JavaScript is a powerful language, but it has many flaws:

               <li>the DOM can be clunky to use</li>
               <li>the same code doesn't always work the same way in every browser
                     <li>code that works great in Firefox, Safari, ... will fail in IE and vice versa</li>
               <li>many developers work around these problems with hacks (checking if browser is IE, etc.)

         <div class="slide">
               <a href="">Prototype</a> framework

<pre class="examplecode js" style="font-size: smaller">
&lt;script <em>src=&quot;;</em> 

               <li>the <a href="">Prototype</a> JavaScript library adds many useful features to JavaScript:
                     <li>many useful <a class="popup" href="">extensions to the DOM</a></li>
                     <li>added methods to String, Array, Date, Number, Object</li>
                     <li>improves event-driven programming</li>
                     <li>many cross-browser compatibility fixes</li>
                     <li>makes <a class="popup" href="">Ajax programming</a> easier (seen later)</li>

         <div class="slide">
               The <a href=""><code>$</code></a> function
               <span class="readingsection">(9.1.3)</span>

            <pre class="syntaxtemplate js">

                  returns the DOM object representing the element with the given <code>id</code>
                  short for <code>document.getElementById(&quot;<var>id</var>&quot;)</code>
                  often used to write more concise DOM code:
                  <pre class="examplecode js">
$(&quot;footer&quot;).innerHTML = $(&quot;username&quot;).value.toUpperCase();

         <div class="slide">
               Unobtrusive JavaScript
               <span class="readingsection">(8.1.1)</span>

               <li>JavaScript event code seen previously was <em>obtrusive</em>, in the HTML; this is bad style</li>
               <li>now we'll see how to write <a href=""><em>unobtrusive</em> JavaScript</a> code
                     <li>HTML with minimal JavaScript inside</li>
                     <li>uses the DOM to attach and execute all JavaScript functions</li>
               <li>allows <a href="">separation</a> of web site into 3 major categories:
                     <li><span class="term">content</span> (HTML) - what is it?</li>
                     <li><span class="term">presentation</span> (CSS) - how does it look?</li>
                     <li><span class="term">behavior</span> (JavaScript) - how does it respond to user interaction?</li>

         <div class="slide">
            <h1>Obtrusive event handlers (bad)</h1>

            <div class="example">
               <pre class="examplecode html">
&lt;button <em class="bad">onclick=&quot;okayClick();&quot;</em>&gt;OK&lt;/button&gt;

               <pre class="examplecode js">
<span class="comment">// called when OK button is clicked</span>
function okayClick() {

               <div class="exampleoutput insertoutput"></div>

               <li>this is bad style (HTML is cluttered with JS code)</li>
               <li>goal: remove all JavaScript code from the HTML body</li>
         <div class="slide">
            <h1>Attaching an event handler in JavaScript code</h1>

            <pre class="syntaxtemplate js">
<span class="comment">// where <var>element</var> is a DOM element object</span>
<var>element</var>.<var>event</var> = <var>function</var>;

            <div class="example">
               <pre class="examplecode html">
&lt;button <em>id=&quot;ok&quot;</em>&gt;OK&lt;/button&gt;
               <pre class="examplecode js">
$(&quot;ok&quot;).<em>onclick</em> = <em>okayClick</em>;

               <div class="exampleoutput insertoutput"></div>
               <li>it is legal to attach event handlers to elements' DOM objects in your JavaScript code
                        notice that you do <strong>not</strong> put parentheses after the function's name
               <li>this is better style than attaching them in the HTML</li>
               <li>Where should we put the above code?</li>
         <div class="slide">
            <h1>When does my code run?</h1>

            <div class="example">
<pre class="examplecode html">
      <em>&lt;script src=&quot;myfile.js&quot; type=&quot;text/javascript&quot;&gt;&lt;/script&gt;</em>

   &lt;body&gt; ... &lt;/body&gt;

<pre class="examplecode examplecode2 examplecodelast js">
<span class="comment">// global code</span>
var x = 3;
function f(n) { return n + 1; }
function g(n) { return n - 1; }
x = f(x);
               <li>your file's JS code runs the moment the browser loads the <code>script</code> tag
                        any variables are declared immediately
                        any functions are declared but not called, unless your global code explicitly calls them
               <li class="incremental">at this point in time, the browser has not yet read your page's <code>body</code>
                        none of the DOM objects for tags on the page have been created yet
         <div class="slide">
            <h1>A failed attempt at being unobtrusive</h1>

            <div class="example">
<pre class="examplecode html">
      <em>&lt;script src=&quot;myfile.js&quot; type=&quot;text/javascript&quot;&gt;&lt;/script&gt;</em>

      &lt;div&gt;&lt;button id=&quot;ok&quot;&gt;OK&lt;/button&gt;&lt;/div&gt;

<pre class="examplecode examplecode2 examplecodelast js">
<span class="comment">// global code</span>
<em class="bad">$(&quot;ok&quot;).onclick = okayClick;</em>   <span class="comment">// error: $("ok") is null</span>
               <li>problem: global JS code runs the moment the script is loaded</li>
               <li>script in <code>head</code> is processed before page's <code>body</code> has loaded
                     <li>no elements are available yet or can be accessed yet via the DOM</li>
               <li>we need a way to attach the handler after the page has loaded...</li>

         <div class="slide">
               The <code>window.onload</code> event
               <span class="readingsection">(8.1.1)</span>

<pre class="syntaxtemplate js">
<span class="comment">// this will run once the page has finished loading</span>
function <var>functionName</var>() {
   <var>element</var>.<var>event</var> = <var>functionName</var>;
   <var>element</var>.<var>event</var> = <var>functionName</var>;

<em>window.onload = <var>functionName</var>;</em>   <span class="comment">// global code</span>
               <li>we want to attach our event handlers right after the page is done loading</li>
                     <li>there is a global event called <code>window.onload</code> event that occurs at that moment</li>
               <li>in <code>window.onload</code> handler we attach all the other handlers to run when events occur</li>

         <div class="slide">
            <h1>An unobtrusive event handler</h1>

            <div class="example">
               <pre class="examplecode html">
<span class="comment">&lt;!-- look Ma, no JavaScript! --&gt;</span>
&lt;button id=&quot;ok&quot;&gt;OK&lt;/button&gt;

               <pre class="examplecode examplecode2 js">
<span class="comment">// called when page loads; sets up event handlers</span>
function pageLoad() {
   $(&quot;ok&quot;).onclick = okayClick;</em>

function okayClick() {

<em>window.onload = pageLoad;</em>  <span class="comment">// global code</span>
               <div class="exampleoutput">
                  <button onclick="alert('booyah');">OK</button>

         <div class="slide">
            <h1>Common unobtrusive JS errors</h1>
               <li>many students mistakenly write <code>()</code> when attaching the handler

<pre class="examplecode js">
<del>window.onload = pageLoad();</del>
window.onload = <em>pageLoad</em>;

<del>okButton.onclick = okayClick();</del>
okButton.onclick = <em>okayClick</em>;

                     <li>our <span class="term">JSLint</span> checker will catch this mistake</li>

               <li>event names are all lowercase, not capitalized like most variables

<pre class="examplecode js">
<del>window.onLoad = pageLoad;</del>
window.<em>onload</em> = pageLoad;

         <div class="slide">
               Anonymous functions
               <span class="readingsection">(8.1.2)</span>

            <pre class="syntaxtemplate js">
function(<var>parameters</var>) {

               <li>JavaScript allows you to declare <span class="term">anonymous functions</span></li>
               <li>quickly creates a function without giving it a name</li>
               <li>can be stored as a variable, attached as an event handler, etc.</li>

         <div class="slide">
            <h1>Anonymous function example</h1>

            <div class="example">
               <pre class="examplecode js">
window.onload = <em>function() {</em>
   var okButton = document.getElementById(&quot;ok&quot;);
   okButton.onclick = okayClick;

function okayClick() {
               <div class="exampleoutput">
                  <button onclick="alert('booyah');">OK</button>
               <li>or the following is also legal (though harder to read and bad style):</li>

<pre class="examplecode js">
window.onload = <em>function() {</em>
   var okButton = document.getElementById(&quot;ok&quot;);
   okButton.onclick = <em>function() {</em>
         <div class="slide">
               Unobtrusive styling
               <span class="readingsection">(8.2.3)</span>

<pre class="examplecode js">
function okayClick() {
   <del> = &quot;red&quot;;</del>
   this.<em>className = &quot;highlighted&quot;</em>;

<pre class="examplecode css">
.<em>highlighted</em> { color: red; }
               <li>well-written JavaScript code should contain as little CSS as possible</li>
               <li>use JS to set CSS classes/IDs on elements</li>
               <li>define the styles of those classes/IDs in your CSS file</li>
         <div class="slide">
               Timer events
               <span class="readingsection">(9.2.6)</span>
            <div class="topfigure" style="width: 12%">
               <img src="images/timer.gif" alt="timer" style="width: 100%" />
            <table class="standard">
                     <code><a href="">setTimeout</a>(<var>function</var>,&nbsp;<var>delayMS</var>);</code>
                     arranges to call given function after given delay in ms

                     <code><a href="">setInterval</a>(<var>function</var>,&nbsp;<var>delayMS</var>);</code>
                     arranges to call function repeatedly every <var>delayMS</var> ms
                     <code><a href="">clearTimeout</a>(<var>timerID</var>);</code> <br />
                     <code><a href="">clearInterval</a>(<var>timerID</var>);</code>
                     stops the given timer so it will not call its function
                  both <code>setTimeout</code> and <code>setInterval</code> return an ID representing the timer
                        this ID can be passed to <code>clearTimeout</code>/<code>Interval</code> later to stop the timer

         <div class="slide">
               <code>setTimeout</code></a> example</a>

            <div class="example">
               <pre class="examplecode html">
&lt;button <em>onclick=&quot;delayMsg();&quot;</em>&gt;Click me!&lt;/button&gt;
&lt;span <em>id=&quot;output&quot;</em>&gt;&lt;/span&gt;

               <pre class="examplecode examplecode2 js">
function delayMsg() {
   <em>setTimeout(booyah, 5000)</em>;
   $(&quot;output&quot;).innerHTML = &quot;Wait for it...&quot;;

function booyah() {   <span class="comment">// called when the timer goes off</span>
   $(&quot;output&quot;).innerHTML = &quot;BOOYAH!&quot;;

               <div class="exampleoutput">
                  <button onclick="document.getElementById('output').innerHTML = 'Wait for it...'; setTimeout(&quot;document.getElementById('output').innerHTML = 'BOOYAH!';&quot;, 5000)">Click me!</button>
                  <span id="output"></span>

         <div class="slide">
               <code>setInterval</code> example

            <div class="example">
               <pre class="examplecode examplecode2 js">
<em>var timer = null;</em>  <span class="comment">// stores ID of interval timer</span>

function delayMsg2() {
   if (timer == null) {
      <em>timer = setInterval(rudy, 1000)</em>;
   } else {
      timer = null;

function rudy() {   <span class="comment">// called each time the timer goes off</span>
   $(&quot;output&quot;).innerHTML += &quot; Rudy!&quot;;

               <div class="exampleoutput">
                  <script type="text/javascript">
                     window.timer = null;

                     window.delayMsg2 = function() {
                        if (timer == null) {
                           timer = setInterval(rudy, 1000);
                        } else {
                           timer = null;

                     window.rudy = function() {
                        document.getElementById("output2").innerHTML += " Rudy!";
                  <button onclick="delayMsg2();">Click me!</button>
                  <span id="output2"></span>

         <div class="slide">
            <h1>Passing parameters to timers</a></h1>

            <div class="example">
               <pre class="examplecode js">
function delayedMultiply() {
   <span class="comment">// 6 and 7 are passed to multiply when timer goes off</span>
   setTimeout(multiply, 2000<em>, 6, 7</em>);
function multiply(<em>a, b</em>) {
   alert(a * b);

               <div class="exampleoutput insertoutput">
                  <button onclick="delayedMultiply();">Click me</button>

               <li>any parameters after the delay are eventually passed to the timer function
                     <li>doesn't work in IE6; must create an intermediate function to pass the parameters</li>
                  why not just write this?
                  <pre class="examplecode js">
setTimeout(<em>multiply(6 * 7)</em>, 2000);
         <div class="slide">
            <h1>Common timer errors</h1>
                  many students mistakenly write <code>()</code> when passing the function

                  <pre class="examplecode js">
<del>setTimeout(booyah(), 2000);</del>
setTimeout(<em>booyah</em>, 2000);

<del>setTimeout(multiply(num1 * num2), 2000);</del>
setTimeout(<em>multiply</em>, 2000<em>, num1, num2</em>);

                     <li>what does it actually do if you have the <code>()</code> ?</li>
                     <li class="incremental">it calls the function immediately, rather than waiting the 2000ms!</li>

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