
// lightbox-ex5.js
// Sample JavaScript solution code for Lab 5: Lightbox
// (Partial solution through Exercise 5.)
// INFO 343, Autumn 2012
// Morgan Doocy

// List of image filenames and captions to display in the gallery.
var IMAGES = [
   { file: '',    caption: 'Avocado' },
   { file: '',      caption: 'Beach' },
   { file: '',      caption: 'Biebs' },
   { file: '',      caption: 'Bling' },
   { file: '',        caption: 'Cat' },
   { file: '',        caption: 'Dew' },
   { file: '',       caption: 'Fall' },
   { file: '',    caption: 'Freeway' },
   { file: '',   caption: 'Hong Kong' },
   { file: '',     caption: 'Leaves' },
   { file: '', caption: 'Reflection' },
   { file: '',     caption: 'Tuners' }

// When the page is ready, create and inject images into #gallery and attach
// event handlers.
$(document).ready(function() {
   $.each(IMAGES, function(i, image) {
      // Create the image with appropriate attributes.
      var $img = $('<img>').attr('src', image.file).attr('alt', image.caption);
      // Create a link whose href is the image file itself - but attach a click
      // handler to show the lightbox and prevent the browser from visiting the
      // image's URL. (Here we introduce an anonymous intermediary function to
      // pass i from here into the enlarge function.)
      var $a = $('<a>').attr('href', image.file).click(function(event) { enlarge(event, i); });
      // Inject the image into the link, and the link into the gallery.

// Show the lightbox, enlarging the ith image in the list.
function enlarge(event, index) {
   // Prevent the browser from visiting the clicked link.
   // Create and inject an image into the lightbox with the source and alt of the
   // ith image in the list.
   $('<img>').attr('src', IMAGES[index].file).attr('alt', IMAGES[index].caption).appendTo('#container');
   <!--[<ins>]-->// Set the previous and next links to go to the appropriate images.<!--[</ins>]-->
   // Special effect: make the lightbox fade in using a jQuery effect.

<!--[<ins>]-->// Set the lightbox navigation links to go to the next/previous images.
function setNavigation(index) {
   var prev = index > 0 ? index - 1 : IMAGES.length - 1;
   var next = (index + 1) % IMAGES.length;
   // Set the next/prev links to new hrefs, and attach new click handlers (making
   // sure to unbind the previous one).
   $('#prev').attr('href', IMAGES[prev].file).unbind('click').click(function(event) { load(event, prev) });
   $('#next').attr('href', IMAGES[next].file).unbind('click').click(function(event) { load(event, next) });

// Load the image at the given index into the lightbox.
function load(event, index) {
   // Prevent the browser from viewing the clicked link.
   // Alert the index we're given.
   // Reset the navigation links.