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<title>About V!</title>
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<h1>About Morgan Doocy</h1>
My name is Victoria and I am <strong>jolly</strong>, <strong>clumsy</strong>, and <strong>four-eyed</strong>.
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<h2>My Classes This Quarter</h2>
<li>CSE 451 - Operating Systems</li>
<li>CSE 471 - Computer Design and Organization</li>
<li>PHYS 121 - Physics: Mechanics</li>
<li>CSE 498 - Research w/ Prof. Luis Ceze</li>
<h2>My Favorite Movies</h2>
<em>(I actually don't watch too many movies, so...here goes!)</em>
<li>The last 30 minutes of Forrest Gump (<a href="http://www.imdb.com/title/tt0109830/">IMDB</a>)</li>
<li>Star Trek Episode V with Zazu (<a href="http://www.imdb.com/title/tt0080684/">IMDB</a>)</li>
<li>Fight Club (not really, but I've seen like 3 movies total so this is my 3rd fave by technicality) (<a href="http://www.imdb.com/title/tt0137523/">IMDB</a>)</li>
<h2>My Moods</h2>
<p>Happy: <img src="images/happy.jpg" alt="Happy" title="My Happy Self" height="300"/>
Sad: <img src="images/sad.jpg" alt="Sad" title="My Sad Self" height="300"/>
<h2>My Favorite Quote</h2>
<q>When you wake up in the morning, Pooh,</q> said Piglet at last, <q>what's the first thing you say to yourself?</q><br />
<q>What's for breakfast?</q> said Pooh. <q>What do <em>you</em> say, Piglet?</q><br />
<q>I say, I wonder what's going to happen exciting <em>today</em>?</q> said Piglet.<br />
Pooh nodded thoughtfully.<br />
<q>It's the same thing,</q> he said.<br />
— <em>Winnie-the-Pooh</em>
<h2>Fun Facts About My Neighbors</h2>
<li>Sue Smith: <em>Effervescent</em> is a word that describes her.</li>
<li>Bill Thompson: Loves playing <em>Yu-Gi-Oh</em>.</li>
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