<p>All staff hold drop-in hours in the TE Lab, room MGH 440, and are available outside of drop-in hours by appointment.<p>
<article id="morgan-doocy">
<img src="<?= $BASENAME ?>/images/morgan.png" alt="Photo of Morgan" />
<h3>Morgan Doocy</h3>
<aside class="contact"><span class="email">mdoocy</span> <!-- <span class="phone">206 221-8115</span></aside> -->
<p>With over 12 years of web development experience, and several years teaching it, Morgan is passionate about all things Web. <!-- Fixed gear mcsweeneys quinoa gingham skinny jeans. --></p>
<dt>Interests:</dt> <dd>User Experience Design, Typography</dd>
<dt>Favorites:</dt> <dd>Facebook, Apple, CSS Zen Garden</dd>
<aside class="office_hours"><strong>Drop-in Hours:</strong> Thu & Fri, 2:30–3:30</aside>
<article id="stephy-ma">
<img src="<?= $BASENAME ?>/images/stephy.png" alt="Photo of Stephy" />
<h3>Stephy Ma</h3>
<h4>Section A</h4>
<aside class="contact"><span class="email">stephyma</span></aside>
<p>Junior, Informatics major focusing on Information Architecture. I enjoy web programming and learning about new technologies. I am both athletic and nerdy. Come find me for sports or geek talk!</p>
<dt>Interests:</dt> <dd>User Interface, Web and mobile application design, and DANCE!</dd>
<dt>Favorites:</dt> <dd>Asian food, puppies and <a href="http://www.w3schools.com/">W3Schools</a></dd>
<aside class="office_hours"><strong>Drop-in Hours:</strong> Thu 3:30–5:30</aside>
<article id="josh-villars">
<img src="<?= $BASENAME ?>/images/josh.png" alt="Photo of Josh" />
<h3>Josh Villars</h3>
<h4>Section B</h4>
<aside class="contact"><span class="email">joshv</span></aside>
<p>I’m a Senior out of Informatics and I’m interested in the application of emerging technologies to humans and what types of roles it can play in our lives. Currently I’ve been looking at map-reduce algorithms and big data, tech entrepreneurship and I want to look at Ruby on Rails. I really don’t know what I want to do, but that’s one of the things I find so exciting about the web.</p>
<dt>Interests:</dt> <dd>Hadoop/Distributed Computing, Lean Startup, Ruby on Rails/Sinatra</dd>
<dt>Favorites:</dt> <dd>Twitter Bootstrap, Responsive Design, and I’ll give <a href="http://stackoverflow.com/">Stack Overflow</a> a shoutout (because we all know it’s a godsend).</dd>
<aside class="office_hours"><strong>Drop-in Hours:</strong> Fri 3:30–5:30</aside>
<article id="steven-markham">
<img src="<?= $BASENAME ?>/images/steven.png" alt="Photo of Steven" />
<h3>Steven Markham</h3>
<h4>Section C</h4>
<aside class="contact"><span class="email">sjm15</span></aside>
<p>This is my second year in the Informatics Program and I am looking to major in both Human-Computer Interaction and Information Architecture. I will be spending a lot of time late at night in the TE lab, so come and find me if you have any questions!</p>
<dt>Interests:</dt> <dd>Web Applications, User Experience Design, Databases</dd>
<dt>Favorites:</dt> <dd><a href="http://stackoverflow.com/">StackOverflow</a>, <a href="http://reddit.com/">Reddit</a>, <a href="http://reddit.com/">Reddit</a>, and more <a href="http://reddit.com/">Reddit</a>.</dd>
<aside class="office_hours"><strong>Drop-in Hours:</strong> Wed 3:30–5:30</aside>