
<section class="calendar">
   <h2>This Week</h2>
   <table class="calendar">
            <td class="lecture-a"></td>
            <td class="lab"></td>
            <td class="lecture-b"></td>

<section class="updates">
   <h2>Recent Updates</h2>

<section id="about">
      <h2>About This Course</h2>
      <h3><strong>Instructor:</strong> Morgan Doocy (</h3>
      <img id="ischool" src="<?= $BASENAME ?>/images/ischool.png" alt="The Information School at the University of Washington">
   <p><strong>INFO 343: Web Technologies</strong> is an introduction to the client-side technologies of the web browser — from the “holy trinity” of in-browser languages (HTML5, CSS3, and JavaScript) to mobile-oriented web app design and effective use of data-supplying web services using Ajax.</p>

<section id="social">
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      <li><img src="<?= $BASENAME ?>/images/facebook.png" alt="Facebook"></li>
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